Why A Catholic Cannot Support the RH Bill
By Dennis Yu (dennisjyu@gmail.com)
I am writing this article with the “good and practicing Catholics” in mind. If you are against the Church, this article is not for you.
The millions of dollars from the IPPF (International Planned Parenthood Federation) to push the RH Bill are reaching the mass media and the legislators. It is not surprising that there is a lot of misinformation going on. If you are a confused Catholic, this article may help you a bit.
Our Lord taught us to live chastity. This virtue is not only for the unmarried but also for the married. A married person has to be faithful to his/her spouse. Within marriage, sex is holy and it goes in accordance to the divine plan.
The use of sex outside marriage is against God’s design for man. That also means that it is against man himself. An action is evil not (only) because it goes against the Commandments. Rather, God prohibits it because it is bad in itself. A mother who prohibits his toddler to touch an electric cable does it for his safety. Touching the electric cable is “evil” whether or not his mother prohibits him.
Why is pre-marital sex (also called fornication) bad in itself? It is bad because the baby born out-of-wedlock will most likely not have a father to take care of him. Each child has the right to have a father and a mother. Every human being should be born – out of physical and psychological necessities – to a family. The bad consequences (for the child) of single parenthood, and obviously, of broken family, cannot be overemphasized. Anyone can do a quick survey in Bilibid Prison to find out how many of the prisoners come from broken families.
If pre-marital sex is bad in itself, so is promiscuity. If it’s not obvious, then I’ll make it obvious. Promiscuity leads to sex. And sex outside of marriage is bad in itself.
What about contraceptives? Since the earliest centuries, the Church has consistently taught that all sexual acts should be open to life. God gave the power to procreate precisely in order to pro-create, to re-produce. Man cannot separate the use of sex from its fruit: another human being. That’s why masturbation – a sexual act not open to life – is also intrinsically evil.
Why can’t a catholic support the RH Bill? RH Bill espouses many points contrary to the sanctity of sex. It promotes contraception which will easily lead to pre-marital sex. It requires sex education which will lead to promiscuity and more teenage pregnancies. One has to be naïve to believe that contraception do really effectively prevent pregnancies. In theory, yes. That’s what contraception is for: contra-conception. But in practice, no.
Here is a story of Abby Johnson. Although she was a constant user of contraceptives, she got pregnant. Not only once but twice. And because of the “contraceptive mentality” that contraceptions bring with it, she was brainwashed to see her babies as “diseases”. She aborted both of them. I repeat, she saw the babies as a disease, an unwanted visitor in her womb. That’s the contraceptive mentality.
She had a change of heart. And she realized all the lies of Planned Parenthood (an affiliate of IPPF). She now regrets everything. She is experiencing the post-abortion trauma. For her frank confession, see: http://www.unplannedthebook.com/ . (3-VIII-2012)
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