sábado, 25 de agosto de 2012

Who Are Behind The RH Bill?

Who Are Behind The RH Bill?
By Dennis Yu (dennisjyu@gmail.com)

The IPPF (International Planned Parenthood Federation) is a group of persons and institutions intending to impose a unilateral ideology. It was founded in the 50’s. Margaret Sanger served as its President. If you don’t know her, beware of her! She was a big defender of eugenics. She founded the Birth Control League in the US.

Eugenics is an offshoot of Darwinism. Remember the “survival of the fittest”? Eugenics is something like that. Sanger said that in order to improve the “human species”, those who have better genes should reproduce more, and those who have sickly genes should be wiped out. Doesn’t that ring a bell: the supremacy of the Arian race? That’s exactly the Nazi program. Good if you’re a Nazi. But if you’re a Jew? You’ll be wiped out! The Nazi killed 6 million Jews. Genocide, it is.

The ultimate goal of the IPPF is to make abortion accessible especially in the Third World countries. It is the IPPF that funds heavily the pro-RH politicians. In 2011, the IPPF gave a whopping P33 million. The breakdown is as follows: Family Planning Organization of the Philippines (FPOP), $625,095; Likhaan Center for Women’s Health, $84,776; and The Women’s Global Network Reproductive Rights, $75,092.

It should not be a surprised, then, if there are “die-hards” for the RH. Well, they are die-hards for the money of the IPPF (at the expense of betraying their very own people). How far can P33 million go? How many journalists and politicians can (and are) benefitting from this? Just do the math. Another source said that other anti-life groups even gave out as much as P2 billion a couple of years ago. Since I’m a financial analyst, I did the math. In less than 3 years, a pharmaceutical company can recover this P2 billion “investment”. To begin with, the Philippine Government will spend, once the RH is approved, P13 billion to implement it. If I were a pharmaceutical company, I can spend as much as P50 billion easily.

I cannot believe how anyone can overlook the money-motive of the RH Bill. The RH Bill is about money (and ideology). That’s as clear as the midday sun.

The Planned Parenthood Federation of America (PPFA) is an affiliate of the IPPF. Some 3 million women go to their clinics for contraception and abortion. Every year, PPFA kills some 300,000 babies in their 820 clinics throughout the US.

To ask what is the connection between contraception and abortion is to be naïve. IPPF is pouring in money to get the RH approved. It is the first step towards legalizing abortion. Once the RH is approved, the next step is to legalize abortion in “some cases”. This is the usual legal path that the IPPF follows.

Abby Johnson, a former director of a PPFA abortion clinic, revealed what’s PPFA is really up to. Abby was a fresh grad from Texas who wanted to help women. She was convinced that by providing contraception (and abortion in some cases), she was really helping women. That was the way she thought until she moved up the ladder and became the clinic director. At that moment, she was pressured from the “higher ups” to get as many abortions as possible to improve the clinic’s profits. She was surprised. She said she cannot work for something like this. She said she came to help women, not to kill people.

When she quitted the Planned Parenthood, she realized all the lies that were put in her head. She saw clearly that abortion is an absolute evil. She saw that contraception does not help women at all. Contraception brings women to a vicious trap that eventually leads to abortion. See her frank confession: http://www.unplannedthebook.com/. (2-VIII-2012)

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